Sunday, 30 October 2016

Taking A Communication 100 Class

By: Johnny

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Last school year when I was a freshman, I enrolled myself into mostly entry level, or level one hundred classes, no surprise there. One of the classes that I had taken was our schools Communication 100 class. This class served as the first stepping stone into many of the individual colleges within our school, predominantly the Communication Arts & Sciences College.

COM 100, from my experience, was a class that's clear purpose was to introduce the science and the information known by humans about communication and interaction to the students; providing a good sense of what a Communication degree and what the Communication Arts & Sciences College as a whole is all about. I learned many things taking this class, many useful and interesting things that I probably wouldn't of cared to seek out and learn had it not have been for this class. Every day things such as relationships, resolving conflicts, socialization, power, were all broken down, discussed, and made sense of in COM 100.

My class was broken up into two sections. The first of the two classes each week was the lecture class. Our main Professor would present the new material to the whole class at this time and the material would be discussed between the professor and the students. The second class of the week was our recitation class where as a class we were broken up into five or so smaller classes in a different location. These smaller classes were run by a TA and things like individual assignments and the review of smaller topics in the course would be handled during this class.

My biggest take-away from this class would have to be the level of comfort of publicly speaking amongst my classmates that I obtained with taking this course. We had four speeches to give throughout the course and the way at which these speeches were assigned made each speech increasingly more challenging every time. The first speech was a special occasion speech, and then it was an informative speech, a pro/con speech, and the last was a persuasive speech. Giving these speeches taught me a communication skill that I wouldn't of been able to learn by just reading or writing out the material for the class.


  1. I have also take this class last semester as my elective class because I am business major. And I think I have learnt many new things from this course. The most impressive thing for me is that I give at least five different topic's presitation in the class and for each presitation I should write an outline first. According to this course, I can be more confident to speak in front of people. So I think this course is also useful for not communication-major students.

  2. I completely agree! Thanks for the comment Blogging for Business!
